Walking The Walk

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My Dear Friend,

In the beginning God came down every afternoon to walk with Adam and Eve in the garden in the cool of the day. Then the serpent came, they sinned, and their walk ceased. But the story didn't end there.

Jesus came to reestablish our walk with God, and also to show us how to walk that walk. In the house, by the sea, traversing the mountains, in synagogues, in the temple courts, wherever Jesus went, He walked the Adam walk – the lifestyle of intimate fellowship with God Adam and Eve originally enjoyed.

It has been said that the Bible uses the word "walk" to describe character. For example, when John the Baptist saw Jesus walking, he discerned Lamb-life: "Looking upon Jesus as he walked," John said, "Behold the Lamb of God" (John 1:36). One's walk, then, speaks of our developing character, how we live habitually. It is our typical way of living day in and day out. It is all we are and do on a consistent basis. What is your characteristic life-walk like?

Sadly, many Christians sin against their holy Savior by consistently yielding to the unholy lusts of their fleshly nature - steadily indulging pornography, illicit sex, overeating, vengeful gossip, raging strife, or other despiritualizing sins or worldly infatuations. They never seek Christ privately, rarely attend church, and prefer to walk in their old ways, not Christ's new way.

Saved but unsanctified, their spirit has been regenerated by grace but their mind has not been renewed by seriously studying and carefully obeying God's Word. Carnally minded, their thoughts are unenlightened by the illuminating, perfectly wise counsel of Scripture. Why? They never pause to thoughtfully ponder biblical texts and lessons and link them to their daily situations.

Consequently, they do not "work out their own salvation" (see Philippians 2:12) by submitting themselves to obey God's biblical instructions in every area of their thinking and living. These hear the Word but do not practice it.

Theirs is a carnal walk, and as long as they persist in it they are unable to draw near and walk closely with their morally pure, biblically minded, Spirit-led, wholly committed Savior. But Jesus mercifully leaves the door of repentance open and available, and His Spirit calls them to return to Him daily . . . unless they go too far to recover, as some have (1 John 5:16b; Revelation 2:21-22).

Other Christians are developing a spiritual walk, which is a scriptural lifestyle, one that lives by God's Word uncompromisingly, and faithfully obeys the quiet but clear guidance, checks, and prompts of His Spirit - who is always in perfect harmony with God's Word. They are consistently pursuing the Jesus walk, the Adam walk, and, unconsciously, blessing God's heart as He watches and communes with them daily.

This Jesus walk, like any other life-walk, is made up of many steps taken repetitively one after the other. Is there any other way to walk? Here are some of the biblical "steps" taken daily by Christians pursuing the Jesus walk:

  • They take the devotional step, taking a sufficient quantity of quality time with Jesus first thing every morning (Matthew 6:33), to "be with Him" as the first disciples did when they were learning the Jesus walk (Mark 3:14-19).
  • They take the Bible study step, setting aside time daily or nightly to seriously, prayerfully search the Scriptures to know the God of the Word by examining the Word of God, knowing it is the only reliable source of inerrant information about Him and we live not by bread alone but "by every word of God" (Matthew 4:4).
  • They take the prayer step, choosing to take time to talk to God, alone with Him and in intercessory prayer groups, pouring out their hearts' needs and problems, asking God's wisdom and help, and praying for others' needs and that they, too, may be drawn into the Jesus walk.
  • They take the humility step, choosing to care only what God thinks, not what others think or say of them, and to be joyfully content with the humble, hidden place and work God gives them until He changes their season and calls them to "go up higher" (Luke 14:10).
  • They take the truthfulness step, resolving to always be honest with God, others, and themselves, and to quickly and honestly confess, and sincerely abandon, every sin of thought, word, or deed to protect their priceless God walk!
  • They take the mercy step, refusing to lend their minds to pre-judging, mis-judging or condemning others, and choosing to quickly forgive offenders whether they ask for it or not, so they themselves may continue receiving mercy.
  • They take the commitment step, choosing to faithfully fulfill their human vows and pledges and, most importantly, continue their Jesus walk as His "disciples indeed" (John 8:31-32). However many times they stumble or fail, they never quit, but get up, take the next step, and continue their Jesus walk.
  • They take the love step by receiving a fresh infusion of God's indescribably sweet affection at Jesus' feet every morning, and then, divinely loved, go out and release that divine love (Romans 5:5) toward whomever they meet, especially Christians, even if they are unloving, callous, or even mean-spirited.
  • They take the submission step, learning to "be subject" (Romans 13:1-6) to all the human authorities God has placed over their life, and their laws and regulations, "for the Lord's sake" (1 Peter 2:13-15), realizing He establishes authorities to maintain order so we may thrive and prosper, and His gospel may spread freely in this fallen world.
  • They take the giving step, by offering tithes, offerings, ministry donations, gifts to the needy, and other sacrifices, realizing Jesus came "not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give" (Matthew 20:28), and He promised to repay whatever we willingly surrender for His sake, whether money, time, assistance, labor, property, sympathy, or other sacrifices.
  • They take the thanksgiving step, determining to never murmur but ever "give thanks in all circumstances" (1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV), as a New Testament "sacrifice of praise" rendered by us, Jesus' believer-priests, in every situation, wonderful or woeful (Hebrews 13:15).
  • They take the praise & worship step, no longer limiting their worship to their weekly church experience, but now singing songs of love and devotion to Christ daily in private, just to minister and draw closer to Him.
  • They take the "fear" step, choosing to stand in awe of God's awesomeness and give Him the profound respect He alone deserves by believing, obeying, and worshiping Him - and never again standing in awe of any mere mortal.
  • They take the service step, faithfully exercising their natural and spiritual gifts daily with excellence, "as unto the Lord" (Colossians 3:23), whether their labors are hidden or visible, just to please and honor Him by blessing others and strengthening His church.
  • They take the faith step, continuing to believe "to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:13), even when His promises or prophecies are long delayed, contradictions abound, Satan presses them to give up, and the Lord, well, He seems to be asleep in the stern of their sinking boat, offering no explanation other than the Bible's many examples of His unfailing faithfulness to His every Word and faithful follower.
  • They take the Spirit-baptism step, desiring not part but all the Spirit's fullness - the Paraclete's divine power, wisdom, guidance, gifts, and prayer language - without which their knowledge of God and His Word, and their kingdom fruitfulness, will be limited.

These, my friend, are the "steps" - spiritual ways or life disciplines - of the Jesus walk. He learned and lived in them all when, as a man, He built His life walk with His Father. The more we take these steps, the more consistent our Jesus walk becomes. We draw closer, entering into God's very presence. We sense Jesus drawing nearer more often, in our secret fellowship and public experience. The Holy Spirit reanoints and refreshes us more regularly. The fruit of the Spirit - those beautiful Christlike character traits (Galatians 5:22-23) - flow freely and unforced.

Scripture comes alive and opens up, revealing its inspiring truth-treasures, attitude-altering insights, and saving wisdom as never before. The Spirit brings texts to mind more frequently just as we need them. Surprisingly, our hardest tests become much simpler and easier to overcome. We realize God's call on our life and our purpose in Christ is what matters most and life's other interests matter little. Our discernment becomes sharper, and we begin detecting God's hand at work, and Satan's, more plainly. The brevity of life and importance of eternity become more real and the things of this world pale.

The signs of our times become obvious, as if illuminated with neon or LED lighting. We no longer think Jesus is coming soon, we know it, and refocus on our spiritual preparation. What has happened?

We are taking the steps, and entering the eternal life walk, we were born and reborn to experience. We have reentered Eden, this time wise to the serpent's wiles. However hot and distressing our world, we enjoy God in the "cool of the day" every day. And we are willing, able, and ready to help Christ's faithful bride prepare for His appearing and turn many faithless ones to the faith. And we can now teach them this amazing heavenly minded walk - that not only Jesus but also Enoch, Moses, Daniel, and Paul knew and enjoyed before us.

One, two, or even three steps do not make a life walk. But many steps, passionately persisted in, do. So, start taking and retaking these steps until they enable you to walk closely with God in your Eden.

Then your sharing of the gospel and other biblical truths will be radically altered. No longer weak and ineffective, your life example, prayers, conversations, teaching, and preaching will be distinguished by experiential authority. They will be Spirit-backed. Supernaturally impactful. Life-changing. Why?

You have experienced what others have only read or talked about. You are not only talking the talk, you are walking the walk.

Stepping, walking, experiencing,


Greg Hinnant


Last modified on Thursday, 04 January 2024 12:35

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