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Dear Friend,

We typically distinguish between ministers and physicians, seeing them as two separate professions. But this is not entirely accurate.

A pastor is not merely a divinely gifted, biblically educated, Spirit-anointed deliverer of religious talks. He is doctor-pastor - a spiritual doctor, a minister who not only trains us in the faith but also heals us spiritually and emotionally, one who is called, equipped, and sent by Christ to heal all kinds of soul ailments in the congregants he serves. Jesus modeled this for us.

Jesus was the church's first Doctor-Pastor. Oh, yes, He compassionately healed physical sicknesses daily - and spectacularly! But the New Testament also shows Him moving among first-century Jews and Gentiles as a master spiritual physician, one who discerned and dealt effectively with soul sicknesses, injuries, and infirmities of every kind.

Indeed, Jesus' simple three-step method was very similar to that of a modern physician: First, He examined patients. Second, He diagnosed their specific ailments. Third, He recommended, or rendered, treatments for their cure. Ever perfect, Jesus was as effective dealing with souls as He was with bodies. Many who visited His traveling "clinic," or itinerant ministry, arrived spiritually sick and departed spiritually whole. Let's examine a few of them:

Zaccheaus came to Jesus afflicted with a greed fever and chronic theft disorder, and left entirely free from their addictive grip, so much so that he donated half his net worth to charity and repaid fourfold those he previously robbed by over-taxation or extortion.

The apostle John came to Jesus with a thunderous temper syndrome, and, after receiving many treatments of Jesus' medicinal, heart-changing teachings, left so calmed and sweetened in spirit that he became the beloved apostle of love.

Nicodemus came to Jesus by night infected with erroneous Pharisaic doctrines and left healed by one, powerful "dose" of revelation from Christ - that salvation came only by being spiritually reborn by faith in Him.

Mary Magdalene came to Jesus infested with seven demons and, after "surgery," or Jesus' deliverance ministry, left so freed from evil spirits and sin that she joyfully pursued God's will the rest of her life.

The Samaritan woman by Jacob's well came to Jesus with an immorality virus and, after Jesus' frank diagnosis, and His surprisingly gracious prescription - that she drink His unique, life-giving "living water" - she left a radically healed soul. Forgiven, filled with faith, and fit for God's use, she immediately invited all the Samaritans in her city to come see, and be treated by, this amazing, Jewish Doctor-Pastor.

*The apostle Thomas was afflicted with unbelief paralysis and unable to walk by faith in Jesus' resurrection when Doctor Jesus unexpectedly paid him a house call (John 20:24-29). By the time Jesus left, Thomas was healed of his crippling carnal reasoning and walking freely in childlike faith alongside his fellow apostles.

But some patients didn't let the great Messianic Physician treat their souls, opting instead to reject His diagnoses and cures. Let's review their experiences:

The cripple by the pool of Bethesda came to Jesus nursing bleeding ulcers of self-pity and apathy and, after receiving a marvelous physical miracle in his legs, left walking, yet still sick with self-pity, useless to God, and weak. Yet strong enough to report Jesus as a Sabbath-breaker to the wicked Jewish leaders!

*Pharisees came to Jesus often, sick with the leprosy of pride in their self-made religious rules, and left each time still infected, oozing with religious arrogance, useless to God, and spreading their spiritually lethal disease among all with whom they came in contact.

Judas came to Jesus with three deadly tumors: money-loving, thievery, and critical misjudgment of other disciples (John 12:3-6). When Jesus diagnosed his cancer and recommended treatment for his soul, Judas arrogantly turned away and preferred to remain sick, unchanged, and unfit for Jesus' use. But not for Satan's.

Fast-forward twenty centuries. The first Doctor-Pastor has left His flock in the care of other doctor-pastors - believers whom He has called, gifted, and trained to feed and lead His flock. He expects them to follow His methods in dealing effectively with the sick souls He sends to their "clinics," or local congregations. But not all follow His ways.

Too many are professional, polished, or passionate preachers, but passionless pastors! That is, they deliver homilies efficiently, even enthusiastically, yet fail to faithfully, lovingly, and carefully examine their congregational "patients." Some are too focused on building a reputation as a pulpiteer, theologian, or social activist. Others do not care what spiritual condition their people are in, as long as they attend meetings and support the church financially. Many others, however, do care for their people's spiritual condition, but not enough to keep a regular, prayerful, loving watch over their souls. Being a faithful doctor-pastor is demanding work requiring constant vigilance and regular counsel.

For instance, whenever a doctor-pastor discerns the symptoms of sin sickness - greed fever, cancers of unforgiveness or other bitterness, fear of man syndrome, ulcers of self-pity, boils of pride, rashes of envy or jealousy, gossip sores, inflammations of rebellion or lust or hatred, or other sin disorders - he (or she) should respond as Doctor Jesus did. He should report his observations to his afflicted patients in private counsel. Quickly. And graciously. But also frankly. And always humbly, accepting that his counsel will sometimes be rejected. But he must always speak up and not remain silent. Like any good physician, and the Great Physician Himself, he must never withhold an unpleasant diagnosis for fear of an adverse reaction.

Rather, he must give his spiritual diagnosis and recommend treatment - confession of sin, repentance, and a sufficient "dose" of the precise portions of God's Word that address the sin and disclose the path to recovery and renewed spiritual growth through humble obedience.

If, however, a pastor only delivers sermons and Bible teachings - scholarly, fiery, or both - once or twice a week, shakes his congregants' hands, and goes home, ignoring the symptoms of the sins afflicting them, they will remain sick and he will remain negligent. And worthy of having his license revoked ... and anointing removed! But there's another side to this.

If healing is to occur, believer-patients must also humbly receive their pastor's prayerfully sought, Spirit-given diagnoses and receive his biblical prescriptions. What's the point of going to a doctor if you reject his diagnoses and refuse his treatments? And what's the point of joining a church and sitting under its pastor's messages and ministries if we refuse his discernment and don't trust his guidance?

The truth be told, churches are full of a lot of spiritually sick congregants who are saved by grace but are still afflicted with occasional manifestations of sin or, in some cases, recurring besetting sins (see Hebrews 12:1). They need discerning doctor-pastors who are loving, brave, and humble enough to faithfully diagnose their soul sicknesses and recommend biblical cures that heal their root causes. And they need to be humble enough to receive their pastor's ministry.

When Doctor Jesus finished treating His patients, they were "whole." That is, there was no sin-sickness actively manifesting in their conscious lives, or lurking latently in their subconscious. This made them ready for full, close, sweet, personal fellowship with Jesus and ready to be used as He saw fit. Today this same Jesus is in vital communication with every good pastor-doctor, guiding their discernment, diagnoses, and recommendations. If we trust Jesus' guidance of our doctor-pastors, and therefore cooperate with them, Jesus will make us "whole." Then we may enjoy increasing intimacy with Him, and also become "vessel[s] unto honor, sanctified, and fit for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work" (2 Timothy 2:21). So, let's pose some questions.

Doctor-pastor, have you examined your people lately? Or have you settled for sermonizing them without scrutinizing them? Patient-believer, have you visited your spiritual doctor lately, submitted to his examination, and received biblical treatments? Or do you find it easier to just stay sick. Or perhaps try to heal yourself through self-help books, secular psychologists, courses taught by atheistic educators, or the latest YouTube, Twitter, or Instagram wonder, or Tik Tok trend?

 If we let our heavenly Pastor-Doctor, through His commissioned earthly pastors, heal our sin sicknesses, who knows what will come of it. It might just launch the great End-Times awakening Jesus predicted (Matthew 25:1-13) and spread physical and spiritual healing worldwide ... until He appears to receive us unto Himself!

Maranatha - He comes!


Greg Hinnant
Greg Hinnant Ministries

Last modified on Friday, 10 February 2023 16:45

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