• Pub Date: January 6, 2015
  • Page Count: 384

Thirsty? Parched for fresh, flowing biblical insights that will revive your trial-weary heart and slake your thirst for more of Jesus? Water From the Rock, the final book in Greg Hinnant’s devotional trilogy, offers you spiritual water aplenty. Its 122 biblical devotional studies are intentionally crafted to provide more material than that offered by most devotionals in hopes of providing more inspiration and prompting further study. Ministers will find numerous sermons and teachings here and disciples much study material. These expository messages address many timely biblical subjects yet, like the Bible, their central theme is Christ—knowing Him, pleasing Him, and learning to walk closely with Him in the hot, spiritually dry wilderness of this increasingly secular, Christ-rejecting world. For that, we will need to rehydrate our souls regularly with lots of spiritual water. So, take long, thoughtful, prayerful drinks of this devotional’s Spirit-illuminated, biblical water, again and again. With the Holy Spirit’s blessing, it will help sustain and guide you through your wilderness trials to the Promised Land of Christian maturity!

What people are saying about
Sweeter Than Honey: Daily Devotions for Disciples (Volume 2)


“Your books have impacted my life…all the books I have read over the years have not come close to speaking to my heart and mind as have yours. Thank you profoundly.”
Lydia Koleba
Courtenay, British Columbia Canada


“As always, this book [Water From the Rock] is blessing my socks off, to use an old expression. I am thoroughly enjoying working on it.”
Deborah Moss, Associate Editor
Charisma Media

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"Greg Hinnant offers us an engaging and serious journey through Scripture..." -Dr. Igal German

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"...It will be a reference that you will return to time and time again in your study of God’s Word.” - Dr. Mike Chapman

"Your devotional book Not by Bread Alone has consistently lifted up my soul every morning ... It has been read, re-read and re-read over and over again." - Emmanuel Antwi-Boasiako, Bibiani, Ghana

“I want to thank you for the copy of your book (Walking in His Ways)…The systematic flow of teaching without fluff is some of the best I’ve seen in modern stuff. I love it. It is a solid rightly dividing of the word of truth." - Pastor Dave Hackett, New York

“I recently read your book Walking on Water, and I must say it is one of the best books I have ever read. I just wish I had had it to read years ago when I first became a Christian.” - Ms. Treasure Uhlman, Canada

“Words fail me to express how much the Lord spoke to me through this book (Spiritual Truths for Overcoming Adversity) and comforted me and strengthened me and guided me to withstand my sufferings and adversities.” - Evangeline Spurgeon, India

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